My culture, the beach and me

Grace Coff is a proud Yorta Yorta girl living on Jaara Country who talks about her beliefs in Culture, Country, her respect for her Elders and the difficulties at times she faces about being an Aboriginal person with pale skin and how “being Aboriginal is in her heart”. 

Price: $ 15.00

Tarrengower and Lalgambook
– A teaching from the Jaara Jaara

This book was created by the kids at the Meeting Place. It is the teaching about the two mountains that fought on the Country.

Price:$ 15.00

Our Mob’s Seasons Calendar

This took the Meeting Place kids over a year going out onto Country to create. It is formed by the Indigenous Curriculum found about the Kulin Seasons which the Jaara Jaara Country is a part of.

Price: $ 15.00

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